Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ehud Barak – Architect of 9-11

Bollyn Names Chief Architect of 9/11

Ehud Barak – Architect of 9-11

By Christopher Bollyn, September 11, 2009 Eight years after 9-11, the American people and the U.S. government are still woefully misinformed about what actually happened on September 11, 2001. The media version of events, accepted by most Americans, is based on a completely false understanding of the terror atrocity that changed America – and the world. This is, however, no accident. This is how Israeli false-flag terrorism is designed to work. The terror attacks of 9-11 were planned and carried out by Zionist extremists with the intention that the blame would be assigned to Islamic terrorists based in Afghanistan. Israeli military leaders and the Zionist-controlled media were well prepared to interpret the attacks so that public opinion would blame Muslims and Arabs for the atrocity. Changing public opinion is the primary mission of the architects of false-flag terrorism.

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