Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Bloody hands

Protesters Mar Statue Of War Criminal Churchill

BLOODY HANDS - Protesters inscribe the initials of Rudolf Hess and daub the hands of the Winston Churchill in crimson red on the statue of the notorious war criminal in Paris, opposite the Grand Palais exhibition hall next to France's largest police station and the entrance to the Champs Elysée métro. (The building in the back- ground is the Petit Palais, housing the city's art collection.) Sir Winston set the stage for the slaughter of millions in World War II, when he refused to hear Hess' proposals for ending that unnecessary conflict, following his flight to Britain on May 10, 1941. Instead, the peace emissary was thrown into prison, where he was to remain until his death nearly a half century later. Churchill's bloody work was completed when Hess was brutally murdered by agents of Britain's top-secret MI6, acting in collusion with his American captors, at Spandau Fortress prison in Berlin on August 17, 1987.

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