Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What is a hero?

Women and Heroes

What is a Hero?

A prime example here in the U.S. is President Barack Obama. He is young, slender, personable, attractive and is worshipped as heroic because he is the first Black American President. The fact that he literally cannot make a speech without a teleprompter is considered unimportant by his worshippers. And the fact that he is nothing but an Illuminati controlled sock-puppet who was placed, not elected, into office, also goes unnoticed by most. The point is that a cult of personality has been raised so high around this man that few can see him for what he really is.

Obama picks president of Council on Foreign Relations to be Foreign Policy Advisor

January 13, 2009

U.S. President-elect Obama has chosen president of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Richard Haass, along with senior CFR-member Richard Holbrooke, and CFR-member Dennis Ross as special Foreign Envoys/ Foreign Policy Advisors, reporting directly to Obama (as reported by CBS News). Richard Holbrooke has also been a CFR director three times, as he is presently. Richard Haas is also a CFR director.

Even the CBS Evening News (reported by CFR-member anchor-propagandist Katie Couric) identified Haass as the president of the Council on Foreign Relations. Not surprisingly, CBS did not bother to mention that both Richard Holbrooke and Dennis Ross are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Neither did CBS report that Richard Haass and Dennis Ross are also members of the Trilateral Commission, the more selective creation (1973) of David Rockefeller and Obama adviser/supporter Zbigniew Brzezinski. Richard Holbrooke is also a former member of the Trilateral Commission.

And of course, neither did CBS report that Richard Haass, Richard Holbrooke, and Dennis Ross, have each also been Bildberger attendees.

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